Hearing loss is a common condition experienced by millions of people globally. But many people don’t realize that untreated hearing loss can lead to cognitive decline, including decreased memory, language comprehension and learning abilities. Here are some of the main ways in which untreated hearing loss can cause cognitive decline.

Social Isolation

If left untreated, hearing loss can cause individuals to become socially isolated due to their inability to communicate effectively with others. This isolation leads to an increased risk of depression and anxiety, which have been linked to cognitive decline. Social isolation can also decrease an individual’s opportunities for social engagement and exercise, which are both important factors in maintaining cognitive health.

Stimulation Loss

The human brain needs stimulation in order for it to stay active and healthy. Unfortunately, when someone has untreated hearing loss, they miss out on important auditory stimulation that would normally keep their brain sharp and engaged with the world around them. As a result, they may experience cognitive decline as their brain becomes less stimulated than they should be.

Brain Reorganization

When someone has untreated hearing loss, their brain may begin reorganizing itself in order to adapt to the new environment without adequate auditory stimulation. This reorganization process often results in decreased cognitive functioning as the brain struggles to make sense of its new environment without the signals it needs to carry out proper functions. Visiting an audiologist to assess the level of hearing loss is the best way to prevent and avoid the negative effects of untreated hearing.

Memory Impairment

As a result of reduced auditory input and reorganization of the brain, individuals with untreated hearing loss often experience memory impairment due to the lack of sufficient auditory stimulation needed for recall processes in the hippocampus region of the brain responsible for memory formation and retention. So, in order to minimize the effects of hearing loss on memory, it is important to seek help from an audiologist as soon as possible.

Communication Difficulties

Without adequate auditory input, individuals with untreated hearing loss have difficulty understanding conversations or following instructions correctly. This will lead to further cognitive decline due to miscommunication or misunderstanding of what was said or heard in various daily life activities that require communication skills, such as work meetings or social gatherings with friends and family members.

Language Function

Untreated hearing loss can also lead to a decline in language function due to the aforementioned difficulties with communication. As language skills are essential for success in school and work, symptomatic individuals will often experience more difficulty understanding written information or communicating their thoughts and ideas effectively when compared to people who have the normal hearing ability.

Untreated hearing loss can seriously impact an individual’s cognitive health, leading to an increased risk of depression, social isolation and memory impairment, among other cognitive effects. Therefore, if you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of hearing loss, it is important to seek help from an audiologist as soon as possible to prevent untreated hearing loss’s effects on cognition.

Tags: cognitive decline