Booking a hearing test is something we should all do from time to time. However, how often should you really be going to an audiologist? Once a year? Once every three years? There’s a lot of conflicting information out there, so let’s set the record straight for you. Here’s what you actually need to know about how regularly you should book a hearing test

For Young Adults and Adults

Most adults had hearing tests for the first time when they were very young – usually between a year and five years old. And as you grow, the need for another hearing test usually isn’t urgent. However, if you notice your hearing changing yourself, you can always book in to see what’s going on. 

Otherwise, most audiologists would recommend young adults and adults to get their ears tested once every three to five years. This way you can keep a steady eye on your degree of hearing, and whether you’re experiencing any changes to this level over time. 

If you work in a noisy environment, such as within the construction or music industries, a test every five years is better suited. Also, if you’ve never had a hearing test before and you’re within these age brackets, it’s best to book one as soon as you’re able to.

For Anyone Aged 60 and Over

Hearing changes as we do, and as we get older, the general ability of our ears ages too. That means for anyone aged 60 and over, it’s best to get your hearing tested every year. A much more frequent testing cycle will protect your hearing and help you to prioritize the health of your senses as you age. 

Indeed, changes to your auditory system can be fast when you’re an older adult. Hairs lining the inner ear, which transmit sound to your brain, are prone to being impacted as the years go by. Picking up on these changes as soon as possible will help you continue to live your best life. This way hearing aids can be prescribed early on and can be used to ensure a normal day to day routine. 

Talk To Your Audiologist

It’s always a good idea to speak to an audiologist in person about your needs. Ask about the test you’ll go through, what your results mean, and whether you’ll need to wear hearing aids in the near future. But most of all, ask them about when you’ll need to come in for a hearing test.

After all, the need for a hearing test can vary between people at any age range. Even if an audiologist hasn’t told you you’re living with a degree of hearing loss, they may ask you to come back sooner than the dates listed above. Be sure to talk to them about this possibility and get answers in person from someone who’s closely studied your audiogram. 

Tags: faqs, hearing test basics